As a young girl, I was mesmerized by The Wizard of Oz and the young girl who shared my name, pigtails and dreams of traveling beyond the borders of her home.Through her dreams, she entered a new world where everything was no longer in drab black and white but in vibrant color. She had exciting adventures and made great friends along the way. She learned a lot about herself and what is truly important in life.

Visiting the Roman Forum as a college student

Decades have passed since that little girl started down her very own “yellow brick road” of life. Each step on this road strengthened my belief in the importance of building and nurturing relationships. Sharing as many experiences as possible — whether they are travel adventures or family celebrations– provide us with not only amazing memories (and some good ole’ entertainment!), but create a bond that “material things” just can’t provide.

I found that traveling through all phases of my life — as a singleton and college student, businesswoman, wife, mother and most recently, semi-empty-nester — provided a tool box that could be accessed to educate, empower, instill compassion and tolerance.

Yes. I am the first to admit that not every step that I took on my personal “yellow brick road” of life was perfect. But so far, I wouldn’t change a thing.

This is my storybook — chock full of life reflections, travel stories, food for thought, lessons learned and funny life experiences.

So read on and join me on my road of wonder and discovery.
