Think about this question for a moment. Do the reasons why we travel change as we age? I believe so. For example, let’s look at a young family with school age children vs. a retired couple. More likely than not, where each group chooses to travel, why they travel and how they travel will be very different. Finances and comfort usually play a major role in these choices. And of course, this isn’t a one size fits all analysis at all. Of course, some reasons will be unique to each group, some may be very different and some may overlap.

So let’s take a look at why we “travel through the ages.” First up…


Why does anyone travel anywhere during this stage of life? There is one primary reason.

As a child, your travels are dictated by parents and guardians.

We really don’t have a choice in the matter. We go where they go and how we spend that time is our parents’ choice. We don’t have a say in accommodations and transportation. And please realize that this is not a statement of resentment. It’s just a simple fact. There are, of course, some kids whose families can afford school trips that take them away from home. But this scenario is less common than for the typical kid. Although they were limited, I didn’t know it at the time that my ..

Childhood travel experiences were a catalyst to my personal travel journey.

My parents didn’t have the means to travel the world and take us on expensive school vacations. But they did what they could. We’d jump into our old Chevy station wagon and take “day trips” or fun jaunts, as my mom would call them. These experiences had an affect on me, even though I didn’t really know it at the time. Leaving my home on even the tiniest of outings gave me a rush. Getting into our car and going out to explore became a big adventure.

A special road trip to Florida will always be fondly remembered. Read my blog “My family road trip history comes full circle” by clicking here

A fire was lit inside of me at an early age and I knew I wanted more.


Ahhh…Being a college student. These years are the time of discovery and exploration. For many, it is the first taste of independence away from our parents. If we choose to travel, these experiences will most likely include friends. Why we travel may very well be dictated by peer pressure. We’ve all heard of Spring Break, right? And what about how we travel? Multiple friends in one room, backpacking, staying in hostels…seeing as much as you can at the least possible cost. That sounds familiar!

The college years are a time many of us exert our independence, break out of our comfort zone, answer to our curiosity and begin to learn more about ourselves.

The travel bug took a firm hold of me during my college years.

I knew that this big world offered more than my home town. And that didn’t necessarily mean I had to leave my home state to explore and be inspired. I luckily live near one of the most vibrant and exciting cities in the world — The Big Apple –and I took full advantage of its proximity, venturing in on a regular basis. Exploring this magnificent place ignited a thirst for more. Cultural and food experiences took hold of my very soul. I knew I wanted to see more.

Little did I know that a 6 week European adventure was on the horizon.

My friend invited me to visit her family in Italy. And what started as a family visit turned into a once in a lifetime journey that I will forever be grateful for. I gained confidence in my own abilities, learned to navigate language barriers, plan, problem solve and budget. I didn’t know at that time that this travel adventure would make an indelible imprint on my life and shape who I am as a person today.

My college years were certainly the springboard that further ignited my wanderlust and I never looked back.


Congratulations! You’ve made it through college. The world is your oyster. It marks the beginning of a professional career and new opportunities in life. If you land a job and start immediately upon graduation, like I did, no worries. It won’t stymie your wanderlust. It didn’t for me. I still traveled whenever I could.

Often, I’m asked if I regret not taking the time after college to travel more before starting my first post graduation job. Do I have any regrets? Not really. I feel extremely lucky in life.

But of course, there are good reasons to travel extensively upon graduation (if you’re able), including:

You have time.

Once you start your first real full time job, you will have little vacation time. So, take advantage of your freedom while it lasts, especially if you really want to explore your own country or abroad. If you already got ajob, you may have a “travel window or opportunity” between graduation day and your job start date. Take advantage of this time and do some exploring.

Your responsibilities are minimal.

Most likely, at this point in your life, you won’t have the financial burdens that will bog you down as you move on in life. You can focus your budget on your trip, without worrying about a mortgage, car payment, or insurance costs. At this point, you are not tied down to anyone or anything!

You’re healthy and resilient.

You’re young! Be adventurous while your body can still handle it. Traveling solo, or with friends is much easier when you’re young and healthy. Stamina is on your side. At this stage, you can pretty much sleep anywhere.

You will grow as a person and become more independent.

Travel challenges you! Exploring the world will force you to adapt to places away from your comfort zone, where people don’t speak your language and necessarily think or act like you do. You learn to understand your own weaknesses and construct a way to fix them. Venturing away from what you are used to will make you a more empathetic and well-rounded person. And all of this will make you a better person in the workplace!


Ahhh…We’ve reached the stage of life that I’ve spent most of my adult travel years. This is a unique time when we can make the choice to strengthen our bonds with our children and extended family through shared experiences.

Family travel is not just a source of entertainment and relaxation. It is a time when we create memories and connections with those we love that will last a lifetime. No material things will eclipse the special times you spend together. Read more about this in my post titled “Sharing experiences eclipse material things” by clicking here:

Take your family away from their “life bubble.”

Travel takes you and your family away from the stress and routine of everyday life. Away from your “life bubble,” you see each other in a different light. You learn things about each other that you may never learn while at home.

The reasons and benefits for family travel are plentiful and could take up multiple posts! But here are some of my top reasons. Family travel…

  • Helps our kids be more flexible and adaptable because of the new normal presented to them.
  • Ignites creativity and imagination
  • Educates them about new places and cultures
  • Reinforces that differences among people is not a bad thing
  • Encourages them to try new things


This is a very special time, one in which I’m smack in the middle of! My husband and I are now planning vacations for two, not four. And believe me, this does take a bit of getting used to. But we’ve adapted! Ha!Ha!

For us, traveling at this stage is just another chapter and continuation of our travel journey. But without kids! We get to reconnect as a couple. Travel choices are now dictated by the needs of two adults only.

Our reason for traveling at this stage of life is simple — we love it! Visiting new places, experiencing new cultures and cuisines are our passion and will continue to fill our lives well into the future.


My hubby and I haven’t reached this stage yet! However, for many, their retirement years may be the first time they travel at all. And, honestly, it makes me a little sad that people wait so long. But I do understand why. Finances, time and family commitments are typically the top reasons.

man and woman sitting on brown wooden bench
Photo by Monica Silvestre on

But whether you are a travel newbie or adding to your travel journey, there is an upside to retirement travel. You have the time! Many older travelers feel they no longer have to “see it all” in a short span of time. Travel is more leisurely. Retired travelers also have the time to explore their dream destinations more deeply, by spending weeks or months rather than days.  You are no longer bound by a job’s vacation limits. So get out there and see the world!


Age doesn’t diminish our feelings of wanderlust, but it sure affects how we travel.,a%20month%2C%20rather%20than%20days.

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